Online ISSN : 2424-2969
セッションID: 220
220 液化DMEを循環利用する水分・油類・PCB類の汎用常温除去技術の発明および開発(焼却溶融・安定化・無害化処理技術,資源循環・廃棄物処理技術)
神田 英輝大下 和徹高岡 昌輝北出 真一郎武田 信生牧野 尚夫松本 忠生森澤 眞輔
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The proposed technology is a new concept that aims at energy-efficient drying and cleanup for general purposes by the use of liquefied DME (dimethyl ether) gas This technology reduces the energy required for water-removal to half the latent heat of water We removed almost perfectly water, other oily materials and PCBs-contaminated sediment by using DME. DME was completely recycled and none of it remained in these materials. Ground pollution is a significant environmental concern. However, large amounts of energy are required for the cleanup of the ground since the water contained in the soil and the sediment hinder the extraction processes that use hydrophobic organic solvents. Therefore, we focus on the use of liquiefied DME, which is eco-friendly, as an extractant. The saturated pressure of DME is moderate-0.51 MPa at 20℃. Liquefied DME resolves high volume organic contaminants and water. Moreover, water can be easily separated from DME by flash distillation.

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