Online ISSN : 2424-2969
セッションID: 212
212 炭素鋼の炭酸ガス腐食挙動の解析(廃棄物発電・バイオマス・熱利用技術)
北川 智広行本 正雄
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Authors were performed the CO_2 corrosion experiment of the carbon steel in low corrosive environment of flow velocity 0 m/s and solution volume to specimen area ratio 0.8 mL/cm^2. In this paper, authors were investigated about corrosion increase in quantity, corrosion rate, size distribution and section form of corrosion products. And, authors were considered to CO_2 corrosion behavior of carbon steel on temperature change from 60℃ to 200℃. According to increase of the experiment temperature, corrosion increase in quantity was increased an d corrosion rate was decreased. Then, in 100℃, 150℃, 200℃, number of the corrosion product was decreased and mean size of the corrosion product was increased. Thickness of the corrosion product was decreased between 100℃ and 150℃, but was increased between 150℃ and 200℃. Based on the result, authors were estimated the CO_2 corrosion mechanism of carbon steel at 100℃, 150℃ and 200℃ in low corrosive environment.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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