Online ISSN : 2424-2969
セッションID: 412
412 ループ管型熱音響エンジンのスタック形状の差異による出力特性(エネルギー有効利用(1))
山本 磨美丸山 直樹廣田 真史滝口 浩司石田 真北出 雄二郎土屋 敏章井下 尚紀
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The output characteristics affected by stack shape in loop-tube type thermoacoustic engine are experimentally investigated. The loop-tube type thermoacoustic engine consists of a stack, heat exchangers, resonance tube, and working gas. For the thermoacoustic engine, a thin tube ceramic honeycomb was introduced as a stack, and air was introduced as a working gas. The system performance is experimentally examined for various cell densities and lengths of stack, and heater input to one side of stack. Here, the work intensity, that is the power intensity of the generated sound, is theoretically estimated using a two-sensor method from the pressure amplitude and phase difference of the sound inside a resonance tube. The output characteristics of the sound generator are shown by the work intensity and the conversion efficiency from heater input to sound intensity.

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