Online ISSN : 2424-2896
セッションID: 302
302 乱流噴流中におけるマイクロバブル溶解速度(2)(OS3-1 マイクロ・ナノフルイズ,OS3 マイクロ・ナノフルイズ,オーガナイズドセッション)
羽田 智信杉山 和靖菊池 健吾亀田 正治藤原 暁子川島 久宜菱田 公一児玉 良明
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper deals with the dissolution of microbubble in a turbulent round jet. We took detailed experimental data of velocity field and bubble radius by time-resolved optical measurements. Typical bubble radius is less than 80 um, which is equivalent to or smaller than the Kolmogorov's microscale of present turbulent flow. The velocity field of gas-liquid flow was measured by Particle Imaging Velocimetry-Laser Induced Fluorescence(PIV-LIF). The bubble radius was measured by Interferometric Laser Imaging(ILI). The experimental data indicates that the turbulent shear considerably enhance the gas dissolution. Experimental data of dissolution rate were compared with a correlation equation derived by Sugiyama et al. (2006), in which shearing motions of turbulent small eddies are taken into account. The dissolution process in the experiment shows good agreement with that predicted by the correlation equation.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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