Online ISSN : 2424-2896
セッションID: G506
G506 管摩擦に及ぼすマイクロバブルの影響 : 管摩擦とボイド率の関係(GS5-1 内部流,一般セッション)
関根 聡岡永 博夫青木 克巳
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Injection of microbubbles within water has been investigated for several years as a method to achieve pipe friction loss reduction. However, the physical mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet understood. So, the purpose of our study is to understand the mechanism. We researched pipe friction loss reduction by the experimental device, which was constructed by a circular pipe. Adherence of bubbles to the wall had an effect on pipe friction loss. In the case of void fraction 0.1% ± 0.02%, the effect was shown Re ≦10000, and influenced pipe friction loss reduction. In addition, in the event Re = 5000, 20000, pipe friction loss reduction became enlarged by increasing void fraction. Meanwhile, at Re = 10000, pipe friction loss reduction didn't change widely by increasing void fraction. As the result, void fraction had a relationship with pipe friction loss.

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