Online ISSN : 2424-2896
セッションID: GS32

千田 将平岩永 正裕森 祐太青木 卓也吉田 健一郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


By using the phenomena that the concentration of particles decreased by passing through branch pipes, a rotating filter was developed to remove particles in two phase fluid. In this report, filtering effects about water containing 8.5 μm aluminum particles were studied. It was found that the concentration of particles of rotating filter output was less than the theoretical values, and that a lot of aluminum particles were collected in a rotating filter. The principal of this filter could not be explained by the phenomena mentioned above, and it could be explained as follows. As the number of rotation increased, a boundary layer containing a lot of particles was formed on the rotating filter. As the quantity decreased, the rotating filter inhaled liquid from the boundary layer containing high density particles. In the rotating filter, a forced vortex was formed. Because of high specific gravity, aluminum particles were hard to move to the outlet at the center of the rotating filter, as the number of rotation increased and the quantity decreased. So ideal filtering device could be formed, which collected particles from original fluid and drained out fluid with lower concentration of particles than original fluid.

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