北陸信越支部総会・講演会 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2424-2772
セッションID: C024

*河合 竜平小松﨑 俊彦和田 啓史村本 憲一大澤 周一
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


The burden of vibration on passengers during vehicle operation is significant, and prolonged exposure can cause vibration problems such as back pain. However, it is difficult for passive dampers to provide good insulation against steady and transient inputs. In this study, we develop a semiactive vibration control method that insulates the vibration by sealing magnetorheological fluid in the damper mounted on the seat suspension and adaptively changing the viscosity according to the magnitude of the magnetic field. The viscosity switching law is based on the skyhook theory, which discriminates the appropriate magnitude of the damping force from the combination of input signals. First, the vibration damping performance is compared using two vibration methods, steady-state excitation and shock input, in a passive state. The effectiveness of the variable viscous damper is then evaluated by simulating a semiactive condition. The results show that the system exhibits the damping characteristics of a 1-DOF vibration system, reducing the vibration by up to 52% at the peak of resonance.

© 2021 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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