北陸信越支部総会・講演会 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2424-2772
セッションID: G041

*山岸 真幸木内 壱晟
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


In order to generate electric power by using flow-induced oscillation, Multi-articulated flat plate was invented. It flutters regularly and periodically in the uniform flow. The fluttering characteristics of it in the air flow have been investigated. However those in the water flow were not clarified yet. The water tunnel experiments to clarify the fluttering characteristics of Multi-articulated flat plate were conducted. In this study, 18 flat plates with different length, different width, different thickness and different density were examined. All flat plates, the fluttering frequency increased with increasing flow velocity. Different from the results on the air flow, the fluttering frequency was almost independent thickness and density of the plate. On the other hand, it was depended the width of the plate. Furthermore the non-dimensional number consisting of Strouhal number, Reynolds number, and aspect ratio became constant.

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