Online ISSN : 2424-2683
ISSN-L : 2424-2683
セッションID: 704
704 電解還元水が及ぼすELID特性への影響(OS7-(1)オーガナイズドセッション《精密/微細加工と評価》)
小島 浩樹伊藤 伸英井手上 敬大森 整加藤 照子水谷 正義根本 昭彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


ELID is technique that it electrolyzes the wheel surface during processing for dressing. This method came to enable the minute abrasive wheel to use. However, in late years the more environmentally friendly processing techniques are required. We develop a wheel and grinding fluid to meet such a demand. In our laboratory we are studying non-chemical solution type grinding fluid to use as ELID grinding fluid. When the non-chemical solution type grinding fluid is used, semiconductor materials and biomaterials are not covered by the fluid components during processing of them. In addition, becomes easy after the processing the waste liquid treatment because there is little influence on environment. In this report, we focus attention on electrolyzed reduced water as a non-chemical solution type grinding fluid. We investigated the effects of ELID grinding properties when using electrolyzed reduced water. After that was ELID grinding by using the electrolyzed reduced water and the conductive rubber bonded wheel.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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