主催: 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
会議名: 茨城講演会講演論文集
開催日: 2020/08/21 -
p. 107-
This paper is concerned with the isotropic elastic wave analysis in general isotropic solids using a parallelized Moving Particle Simulation (MPS). In recent years, the ultrasonic nondestructive testing methods with linear and nonlinear elastic waves have attracted attention. The MPS, which is one of the particle methods, has a potential to be an effective numerical simulation tool for the ultrasonic non-destructive testing methods. However, the MPS method needs much calculation cost. The parallelization of the MPS is essential to reduce the calculation cost, and in the field of numerical analysis, some researches on parallel algorithms using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) are promising progress to reduce the calculation cost. Therefore, in this research, 2-D isotropic elastic wave analysis in isotropic solids is implemented by using a parallelized MPS method with MPI to check the computational accuracy and performance of the parallelization of the MPS with MPI.