Online ISSN : 2424-3140
セッションID: C-1-5
C-1-5 画像形成機器を対象としたモード合成法と機構解析の連成による振動挙動解析技術の開発(情報・精密機器のサーポ・スマート制御,口頭発表)
及川 研園田 徹也
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A new and simple coupling method between mechanical dynamics analysis and modal synthesis with quasi-constraint technique is proposed.A coupling analysis between mechanical dynamics and modal synthesis is promising for development of imaging machine with transfer belt modules.The driving speed of the belt must be controlled constant value.Though,the belt speed can be run off from the value that caused by unissued vibrations in the system.For stable belt driving control,it is necessary to specify characteristics of whole vibrations in the system and to design control logic with tolerance toward the specified vibrations. Difficulty in using coupling analysis is that coordinate system of two coupled analysis methods is different in general.Our proposed coupling method can be applied to imaging machine vibration problem without such difficulty by using high-stiff spring model.The results of imaging machine vibration analysis using the proposed method are also explained.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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