Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G150055
G150055 マニピュレータの軌道の特徴を利用した動力学解析を用いない動作の最適化
伊谷 英之立矢 宏福田 天林 道大
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This study proposes a method of generating the optimized trajectory, which determines change of the displacement of a manipulator with respect to time, to reduce the peak current value or electrical energy occurred in its actuators. Previously, a lot of similar studies have been reported and they usually need the kinetic model of a manipulator. However, the construction of the kinetic model is considerably difficult. Thus, the present study proposes the method that can generate the optimized trajectory without a kinetic model. The method uses a heuristic procedure and obtains evaluation value by measuring the currents, powers and so on of an actual manipulator in operation. The heuristic procedure improves the control data which determines the trajectory of a manipulator by evaluating the measured values. By a repetition of the above process, the method can optimize the trajectory. It takes, however, a long time to determine a trajectory with complicated path. Therefore, we propose a method dividing the path by considering its characteristics for reducing the optimization time. The study applied the method to a commercially available industrial manipulator, confirming that the generate trajectory can reduce electrical energy by about 20%.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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