Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G031025
G031025 電着銅薄膜の疲労特性に及ぼす結晶粒径の影響([G031-02]材料力学部門,一般セッション : 非鉄金属の強度と変形(2))
大塚 一史竹下 俊平田中 啓介束海 博央
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Three types of free-standing copper thin films were produced by electrodeposition using sulfate solution: CC films made under constant current, CC-B films with brightener and CC-TU films with thiourea. The effect of grain size on the tensile and fatigue properties was studied. The grain size of CC, CC-B, CC-TU thin films measured by TEM was 420, 241, and 28.7nm. Those films did not have any strong texture. With decreasing grain size, the fatigue limit as well as the tensile strength got higher, following the Hall-Petch relation. On the other hand, the threshold stress intensity for crack propagation increased linearly with the square root of the grain size. At high stress intensity facters, striation were observed on the fracture surface of CC and CC-B films, while only fine granular feature was observed for CC-TU.

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