Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G051056
G051056 振動する液面上に保持された液滴の保持位置と液面波形の関係([G051-05]流体工学部門,一般セッション : 液膜・液滴)
瀬尾 亮太中井 唱後藤 知伸
会議録・要旨集 フリー


It is known that a droplet is held on the vertically vibrating pool of the same kind of liquid. When the frequency of oscillation is at the resonance of the apparatus, the droplet is found to a certain position on the pool regardless of the initial dropped position. In this case, the lifetime of a droplet is as long as several hours, perhaps because of the larger amplitude of vibration acceleration than the gravity as previously reported. Then we investigated waveform at the resonance frequency to clarify the relationship with the position where the droplet is retained. The amplitude, phase, and average displacement of the surface of oscillating pool were measured by a laser displacement meter and FFT analyzer. The average displacement is relevant to the position of a droplet, while the amplitude and phase are not; in the distribution where the regression plane of the average displacement is subtract, its minimum position is almost the same as the retained droplet.

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