Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J1610101
J1610101 ハプティックデバイスを用いた運筆動作教示方法の研究([J161]メカニカルデバイス・システムの知能化)
加藤 大嗣野村 由司彦坂本 良太
会議録・要旨集 フリー


By using haptic interfaces, a great deal of brush stroke learning methods have been studied, but many of them used visual information together with the tactile information where the tactile information is considered to be much inferior to the visual one. Therefore, the effects cannot be clarified in detail, and the way of utilizing the tactile devices were not enough established. In this study, we examine an instruction method of brush strokes to establish a way of utilizing the tactile devices. Focusing attention on the difference between the horizontal and vertical motion modes in brush strokes, we employed a hybrid position/force-based kinematic motion instruction scheme. A traction force was fed back to a learner in the following manner: the horizontal component was given to reduce the horizontal position deviation of a leaner from an expert, and the vertical component was given as a reaction force that were exerted by the expert. To confirm the effectiveness, a bush stroke experiment was conducted for a brahmi letter.

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