Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S1910201
S1910201 火星探査用密閉型パラフォイルの空力特性に関する研究([S191-02]大気突入・減速技術(2),宇宙工学部門)
前川 啓山田 和彦安部 隆士平岡 克己
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The technique to fly in Martian atmosphere where the atmospheric density is very low, provide the new and innovative options to future Martian exploration. A closed-canopy-type parafoil was proposed as a candidate to realize its concept. The closed-canopy-type parafoil has high packing efficiency thanks to its flexibility and is expected to have high lift to drag ratio because it does not have inlet on the leading edge differently from a conventional ram-air type parafoil. In this study, in order to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of the closed-canopy-type parafoil, the wind tunnel tests was carried out using the scale models with a wingspan of 1.0m, 1.4m and 2.2m. Especially, this study focus on the effect of the basic parameters, which includes the size, the inner pressure of parafoil, the wind velocity and the riser length, to lift to drag ratio. The wind tunnel test under the reduced ambient pressure condition was carried out in JAXA/ISAS planetary environment wind tunnel besides of the tests under the normal atmospheric pressure condition in the JAXA 6.5m×5.5m low speed wind tunnel.

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