Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S2030201
S2030201 GPUコンピューティングの特徴と歴史([S203-02]機械技術史・工学史,技術と社会部門)
小高 文博佐藤 建吉
会議録・要旨集 フリー


GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), which is also equipped with a PC is used daily, a processor graphics dedicated as the name, optimization for fast rendering is performed. I say GPU than the one that was specialized for graphics in this way. Further, it is possible to obtain the computational performance of several TFLOPS even by computer to take advantage of the ability to calculate for this drawing. Use of the GPU is effective as one approach to reduce the cost for computation generic. This is obtained by the generalization of what was once specialized. Specialization and generalization is performed alternately technology. Will prefer to clarified by looking at the history of this GPU. First, we describe the characteristics for the GPU of interest, to identify the direction of development of the GPU. And 1 explore the watershed of generalization and specialization.

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