Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J0540102
J0540102 可動円錐形電極を用いた非定常イオン電流の評価
土井 謙太郎Mustafa Ibrahim HUSSEIN川野 聡恭
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Ionic responses in micro/nanofluidic channels have attracted significant attention in various research fields, where ionic currents have an important role to modulate electrophoretic behavior of electrically charged molecules. In order to manipulate target molecules, flow fields have to be accurately controlled. Some problems, however, have remained to figure out such difficulties. In this study, we have developed an experimental system to investigate a relationship between the spatial and temporal scales of ionic current responses. Using a pair of conical shaped electrodes to variably change the gap distance, we can measure unsteady ionic responses systematically and analyze the scales of phenomena. Based on a previous theoretical study, the validity of experimental results is confirmed. As a consequence, ionic responses that consist of electrophoresis and diffusion are revealed from both experimental and theoretical aspects.

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