Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J1050104
J1050104 相反定理を用いたファン風切音のモデル化に関する研究
石森 慎宇津野 秀夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The fan used as PC cooler, blower, etc. generates aerodynamic noise that is uncomfortable, therefore fan noise reduction is required. The aerodynamic noise has two main components; rotational noise and broadband noise. It is necessary to construct analytical model of these noises for noise reduction. The purpose of our research is constitution analytical model of rotational noise generated by axial fan to calculate sound pressure level (SPL) of the noise. Our model assume the area blades passing are many point sound sources. Characteristic of any sound source are calculated from geometry of fan. Acoustic transfer function of any sound source to observation point are measured by using reciprocal theorem. The calculated result of second harmonic noise by the model was agreed with experimental result, but other harmonic noise were not agreed. The model is necessary be improved for practical applications.

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