Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S0450101
S0450101 ソフトパステルの製品特性への体質顔料の影響
横田 香世成田 智恵子西本 博之濱田 泰以
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Softpastel, lightly pressed with body pigment, has various colors close to the color pigments. We built the hypothesis that a certain volume of body pigment provides delicate nuance of color, tone, and texture to soft pastels. We examined the effect brought by two types of body pigments regarding color and strength respectively. Experimental results supported our hypothesis. About color, we obtained lower numerical values of Value and Chroma when we used porcelain clay than calcium carbonate (CaCO3). In other words, calcium carbonate produces light and bright color, and porcelain clay produces tint or neutral color. Concerning hardness, applying porcelain clay, strength was further increased than CaCO3. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between the drawing medium (pastel) and the support medium (paper etc.). The result showed that the drawing medium strength decreases pigmenting with a weak pressure becomes capable. But easy pigmenting does not always mean generating rich and various color tones. Those facts suggested the possibility that optimum numeric value in medium strength would be find out, which enable us to perform broader expression.

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