Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G0700405

*横田 直也永田 大弥田中 光太郎金野 満
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important intermediate species in the oxidation of fuels, whose concentration profiles contribute to the construction of the detailed chemical kinetic model of the fuels oxidation. Laser absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared wavenumber region is an effective technique for real-time quantitative measurements of H2O2 in the combustion field. However, spectroscopic parameters, such as a pressure broadening coefficient and a temperature dependent exponent, which are required for quantitative measurements, are not well known. In this study, appropriate absorption line for the measurements of H2O2 in the combustion field was determined in the 8 μm region and the spectroscopic parameters of the selected absorption line of H2O2 were obtained using a quantum cascade laser. The absorption line for the measurements of H2O2 in the combustion field was determined to be 1251.278 cm-1(2.820×10-20 cm2 molecule-1 cm-1, ν6, 38 7 32 - 38 7 31). The pressure broadening coefficient and the temperature dependent exponent of the selected absorption line were obtained to be 0.100 ± 0.015 cm-1 atm-1 at 298 K, and 0.611 ± 0.065, respectively.

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