Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S14403

*野原 嘉人廣垣 俊樹青山 栄一児玉 紘幸
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


PCBs are written circuit on the cupper foil fixed on the Boards which is composed by glass fiber cloth and resin having electric non-conductance. Recently, electrical products are miniaturizing. This means more difficulty of drilling the PCBs. Micro-drill drilling of PCBs is suitable for through hole forming. And the drilling quality affects the quality of copper plating which concern reliability of electrical connection. So, improving the technology of PCBs drilling, developing the means for drilling that is good at productivity and securing the relativity of the electrical connection are needed. There are many reports of the cutting force, temperature and quality of drilled holes in PCBs drilling. In the research of the cutting force in micro-drilling, it was revealed that increasing of cutting force decreased the quality of drilled holes and affected the breakage of micro drills. But, now the selection of tools and the decision of drilling conditions are decided by very skilled engineers and difficult for non-skilled engineer. In micro-drilling, engineers must decide drilling conditions such as spindle speed and feed rate. We need the system to support our selection of tools and decision of drilling conditions based on opened knowledge and data.

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