Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: 3913
3913 繰り返し負荷を受けるはんだ接合界面における微細き裂の発生・進展過程の超音波評価(S17-3 強度・変形・ひずみ評価,S17 実験力学における最近の展開)
小林 寛嗣加藤 寛蔭山 健介
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


This paper describes ultrasonic evaluation of initiation and propagation processes of fine cracks at the bonding interface of Sn alloy solder joints under repeated loading. The specimens were subjected to acoustic microscopy to obtain the acoustic images at bonding interface of the solder joints at required numbers of fatigue cycles during shear fatigue testing. The brightness change was observed in the bonded area. After fatigue failure, the fracture surface of SEM image was compared with the acoustic image. In the part of the brightness change in the acoustic image, many fine cracks were observed in the SEM image. The number of fine cracks on the fracture surface was greater at periphery than those inside the bonded region, and increased with increasing number of the fatigue cycles. It was found that the effective bonding area at the final failure was almost the same for specimens of different fatigue lives.

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