Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: 4013
4013 オフセット付きプレートフィンの3次元非弾性解析(S25-3 構造解析,S25 材料・構造の非弾性挙動・高温強度・損傷評価)
天野 尋庸大野 信忠川島 扶美子猪狩 敏秀
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


In this study, 3D elastic-plastic finite element analysis of a plate-fin structure with a fin offset was done by taking a unit cell consisting of two layers. The material of plate-fin was SUS316, and the multi-linear kinematic hardening model of Ohno and Wang was employed as the constitutive model of plasticity of this material. The unit cell was subjected to either monotonic or cyclic loading at 600℃, along with a differential pressure between the two layers. The periodic boundary condition was imposed on the opposed surfaces of the unit cell. It was thus found that the plate-fin structure exhibits significant anisotropy in the overall deformation as well as considerable compressibility in the layer-stacking direction. It was also found that the local strain range in the fin is several times larger than the overall strain range of the unit cell.

© 2006 一般社団法人日本機械学会
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