Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: T0101-3-3
T0101-3-3 ガラスのマイクロインプリントに関する有限要素シミュレーション(機能材料)
井野 友博伊藤 寛明小寺 力荒井 政大
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


In the present paper, some experiments for press molding and numerical simulation about micro press molding of glass devices using finite element method is investigated. Thermo-viscoelastic properties of the glass materials were estimated using undirectional compression creep test based on traditional thermoviscoelastic theory. In this study, PYREX and D263 were used as glass materials. Glass micro press molding was carried out with Glassy Carbon mold given to Line & Space patterns machined by dicing. The adaptive condition of molding temperature which given appropriate transcription profile of the glass was investigated. Moreover, numerical simulation for micro press molding of the glass was carreid out by finite element method using universal FEM code (ANSYS ver.10.0). As a result of comparing experimental results with numerical ones, the cross section shape and height of groove profile obtained by FEM approximately agree with experimental value.

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