Online ISSN : 2424-2845
ITER計画とBA活動の現状 : 核融合エネルギーの実現に向けた国際プロジェクト(基調講演)
奥村 義和
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 222-224


ITER is a world collaborative project being undertaken jointly by EU, Japan, Russia, US, China, Korea and India with the objective of demonstrating the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy by producing a reactor-relevant burning plasma in Tokarnak type fusion machine. ITER Organization was established in 2007 to construct the ITER in Cadarache, south France. A platfonn with 1km in length, 400m in width is ready for building construction. Fabrication of the super conduction magnets and other components have been started in Japan. The Broader Approach (BA) project has been launched also in 2007 under the framework of collaboration between Japan and EU. The BA project aims at complementing the ITER project and at an early realization of fusion energy by carring out R&D and developing some advanced technologies for the future demonstration power reactor (DEMO). A new research site named "International Fusion Energy Research Center" has been established in Rokkasho, Aomori as a center of the BA project.

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