Online ISSN : 2424-2845
セッションID: OS0711
OS0711 せん断モード疲労き裂進展試験について(OS7-2 解析・評価・き裂I,OS-7 多軸応力下における疲労損傷および疲労き裂進展1)
遠藤 正浩草場 敦司岡崎 三郎柳瀬 圭児森山 茂章松永 久生
会議録・要旨集 フリー


It is recognized that flaking-type failure due to contact fatigue is closely related to the growth of the shear-mode (Modes II and III) fatigue crack. In our research group, it is demonstrated that a shear mode fatigue crack can be reproduced for the cylindrical specimens by applying the cyclic torsion in the presence of the static axial compressive stress. However, a biaxial servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine used is quite expensive to purchase and costly to maintain. Low testing speed (〜10 Hz) of the testing machine further aggravates the situation. As a result, study on shear mode fatigue crack growth is still in nascent stage. To overcome those difficulties, we have developed a high performance and cost-effective testing machine to reproduce the shear mode fatigue crack growth by improving the available resonance-type torsion fatigue testing machine. The primary advantage of using the resonance-type torsion fatigue testing machine is cost-efficiency. In addition, the testing speed can be effectively improved in comparison with that of a biaxial servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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