Online ISSN : 2424-2845
セッションID: GS0406

1.3 μm厚の透明ポリイミド基板を用いた超薄型有機太陽電池の作製
*木村 博紀シュー シャオミンパク ソンジュン甚野 裕明尾坂 格瀧宮 和男福田 憲二郎染谷 隆夫梅津 信二郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Recently, Soft robot and actuator are attracted interest in robotics field. The battery used for those applications are heavy and stiff. However, using such a heavy and stiff battery for soft robot and actuator prevent those unique movement, so in requiring flexible and light weight, organic solar cells can make that device very thin around several micrometers. Then it can have realized property of flexibility and lightweight because to reduce the thickness of the structure itself can reduce bending stiffness and limit bending radius. Therefore, it can attach complicated surface like soft robot body. But they have several issues in previous studies, for example, thermal stability, fabrication process and so on. In order to these problems, we tried optimizing fabrication process of organic solar cells with using 1.3μm-thick transparent because to deposit such a very thin film as a substrate and then peel off the devices from support glass is quite difficult. The devices performance shows Power conversion efficiency (PCE): 6.28%, current density(JSC): 12.3 mA cm-2, open circuit voltage (VOC): 0.723 V, fill factor (FF) : 0.704. In conclusion, here we succeeded in developing fabrication process for ultra-thin organic solar cells which are highly resisted compression. As a flexible, lightweight, compatible and more environment stable power source device, our developing ultrathin organic solar cells are expected to use practically.

© 2018 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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