Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: B112
B112 月惑星探査機のアクティブ制御着陸脚実験装置の開発(OS13 月・惑星探査ロボットの運動と制御3)
前田 孝雄橋本 樹明大槻 真嗣坂井 真一郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In the lunar-planetary exploration, most of landers made a landing on flat areas of surface, because there are a lot of rocks craters and hills on lunar-planetary surface. For the next generation lunar-planetary exploration, the development of a highly accurate landing technology is demanded to land on the complex terrain. The navigation-guidance technology and hazard avoidance have been studied for the safe landing. Moreover the development of landing leg is required for the safe landing in the final phase of landing sequence. This paper presents the development of experimental system of active landing leg, and examine the landing shock response. In addition, we consider the effectiveness of active landing leg and the application to the control method of lander's overturn prevention.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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