Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: B102
B102 車体の重心移動が移動ロボットの軟弱斜面横断時の走行性能に与える影響の評価(OS13 月・惑星探査ロボットの運動と制御1)
猪爪 宏彰須藤 真琢永谷 圭司吉田 和哉
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Mobile Robots, which explore craters on the Moon or the Mars, are required mobility to negotiate with sandy slopes on which slippage can easily occur. It is known that such slippage can be reduced by sifting the center of gravity on robots. In this paper, we quantitatively discuss the effect of shifting of the center of gravity on wheeled mobile robots on side slip. We conducted slope-traversing experiments using a wheeled mobile robot under various roll angles and slope angles. Based on the experiments, we found the relationship between robot's roll angle and side slip. Furthermore, we also found that the slip is able to be minimized not by just making the robot horizontal, but by inclining it toward uphill direction more than such attitude. It indicates that to minimize side slip over slopes we have to focus on the mechanics model of wheels and optimize their load distribution.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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