Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: B104
B104 砂質不整地を走行する車輪型移動ロボットの荷重等分配制御に関する研究(OS13 月・惑星探査ロボットの運動と制御1)
小林 泰三石上 玄也永谷 圭司小柳 栄次竹中 慶砂長 麻美
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In future lunar/planetary exploration missions, wheeled rovers will be promising robots to perform wide-area explorations. Wheeled robots, however, are prone to slip in soft terrain: therefore, securing mobility will be a critical issue. This paper first describes a soil-wheel interaction model which is simply found from Coulomb's friction law. The model enables slip-ratio estimation from a combination of wheel load and traction. Second, a simple control methodology, wheel load distribution control, for maintaining vehicle mobility is discussed. Moreover, a six-wheeled robot which implements the control system was developed. The robot has six wheels and six vertical suspensions with built-in linear actuators. Load cells are installed between each wheel and suspension to monitor the wheel load, and positions of wheels are individually controlled by moving the suspensions up and/or down so as to keep the desired wheel loads. In this study, a simple algorithm for distributing equivalent load to every wheel was implemented. A simulation and a series of experiments in an outdoor environment were performed and the effectiveness of the control system was examined.

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