Online ISSN : 2424-287X
セッションID: 214
214 AE法を用いた引張負荷下の透明導電膜における破壊機構の力学的検討
松枝 剛広細山田 晃治會澤 修太郎湯澤 亮若山 修一坂井 建宣池上 和司宮坂 力
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Tensile test of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) deposited on polyerhylene naphthalate (PEN) films used in solar cells were carried out. It was found from tensile tests that many AE signals were detected in ITO films. On the other hand, the electric resistance of ITO + PEN film was also measured later than first AE signal during tensile tests. In order to identify AE sources, in-situ observation of specimen and measurement of electricity resistance were also carried out. It was demonstrated that AE behavior shows good agreement with the cracking behavior in ITO. In addition to it, AE monitoring could be detected damages in ITO under mechanical strain earlier than were measurement of electricity resistance. Consequently, it was suggested that AE technique was extremely effective technique for damage detection and evaluating the damage accumulation process in films used in solar cells.

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