Online ISSN : 2424-3019
セッションID: 216
216 製品系列統合化設計における共通化方策の最適設計探査に関する研究
満中 敦藤田 喜久雄野間口 大
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Integrated design of product families has become an essential concern for successful product design and development under the trends of mass-customization and business competition. A product family means here a series of models that are offered to a variety of customers' needs with sharing some common modules. Such commonalization enables the economy of scales even under customization for individual customers, but too much commonalization may destruct flexibility for offering various products. This kind of design problems is represented with discrete conditions on module combinations and continuous conditions on module contents and multi-objective under the above tradeoffs. Further the decision must be made in the conceptual stage without detail information. For supporting such decision, this paper proposes an optimal design exploration approach, which is composed of a multi-objective genetic algorithm for mixed integer programming problems, a data mining scheme with self-organizing maps and interpretation of representative modes of design alternatives into design guidelines. The proposed approach is applied to a simplified design problem of universal motors for demonstrating its promises and effectiveness.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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