動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
Online ISSN : 2424-2950
セッションID: F105
F105 固体高分子形燃料電池における多孔質ガス流路の検討(OS-5 水素・燃料電池(1),一般講演,地球温暖化防止と動力エネルギー技術)
小境 正也奥澤 務佐竹 弘之高橋 宏田部 豊近久 武美
会議録・要旨集 フリー


High power density enhances polymer electrolyte fuel cell with widely varied applications. Our investigation focused on the refinement of the reactant gas flow field at the bipolar plate in order to increase the fuel cell performance. Applying a porous material to the reactant gas flow field is one possible method. Expected advantages of a porous flow field are an increase in reactant gas diffusivity and electron conductivity allover the electrode. An investigation was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of a porous flow field. The Lattice Boltzman simulation indicated that surface wettability and pore structure control have prospect of gas and water flow field separation. The experiment of porous flow field showed same level performance of channel type.

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