動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
Online ISSN : 2424-2950
セッションID: F211
F211 自然エネルギーの変動抑制に利用するガスエンジンの排気特性とコスト評価(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ)
見並 克俊山崎 由大金子 成彦Kota USHIJIMA
会議録・要旨集 フリー


To utilize photovoltaic power generation (PV), the compensation for power fluctuation is necessary since the fluctuation has a bad influence on electric power system. Therefore, micro grid using several kinds of decentralized generation plants is considered to be a good solution. In this paper, the feasibility of gas engines to compensate for the PV fluctuation is investigated from the viewpoint of exhaust gas NOx, and power generation cost by simulation. As for NOx, the amount of NOx increases as the output of a gas engine fluctuates, but this increase on NOx hardly has a problem in micro grid. As for power cost, it can be decreased by combining battery and a few kinds of gas engines. As a result, gas engines can be used in micro grid as decentralized generation plants.

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