動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
Online ISSN : 2424-2950
セッションID: A221
A221 矩形レーザとホットワイヤによる高効率補修技術の開発(OS2 保全・設備診断技術(4))
上野 聡一椎原 克典宮坂 広幸服部 泰大
会議録・要旨集 フリー


An additional maintenance program is need based on results of re-evaluation for the executed maintenances. Especially, repairing of wider or more complicated shaped area may be repairing targets. Underwater laser welding has been developing as a repairing technique for nuclear power plants. In past study, a new repairing technique combined direct diode laser (DDL), which has rectangular energy distribution, with hot wire feed device were proposed to improve efficiency of welding. This new repairing technique indicated twice efficiency of welding compared to the conventional underwater laser welding. In this study, "Fiber transmission" and "Converting rectangular energy distribution from Gaussian energy distribution by diffractive optical element (DOE)" were considered. As the results of welding tests, DDL configuration indicated the same capability of welding as DOE configuration.

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