Online ISSN : 2424-3027
セッションID: 116
116 往復動式水素圧縮機主要構成要素における剛性変化と固有振動特性の関係(セッション4 機械の状態監視)
橋本 晋吾森 圭史藤田 活秀弓立 貴文齊藤 俊
会議録・要旨集 フリー


It is reported that an unexpected breakdown occurs in reciprocating hydrogen compressors. Although the monitoring and the regular maintenance are carried out to avoid these accidents, the investigation about a trouble part is necessary to improve efficiency and safety. Previous research has shown that, the natural vibration characteristic of a system influences on the dynamic characteristic of operation. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of stiffness change in the sliding part both on the crosshead-piston and the rod-piston system. Hence, vibrational experiments are conducted under two kinds of boundary conditions.The stiffness of the supporting points' about the crosshead and the piston are identified based on a beam model. As a result, it is found that, estimation of the system's boundary condition is possible using an identified dynamic model' s characteristics .

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