Online ISSN : 2424-3027
セッションID: 102
102 振動状態監視に用いる無線デバイスの特性評価 : 振動発電による電力供給下でのセンサ観測波形の伝送実証実験(セッション1 センサ技術・信号処理)
山口 昌宏清水 亮多安達 和彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In the rotating machinery, the whirl motion of the rotor is inherently occurred due to its mass imbalance or thermal deformation during operation. That caused the vibration of the casing and/or bearing pedestal. The severe whirl motion of the rotor leads to the machine operating performance degradation or any kinds of the machine trouble. The vibration condition monitoring of the rotating machinery is one of the potential solutions to avoid the machine trouble and keep the safety operation. The self-powered wireless remote monitoring system is becoming a potential technology for future vibration condition monitoring of rotating machinery. This study aims at developing the wireless vibration acceleration sensor system for the vibration condition monitoring of the rotating machinery. In this paper, authors experimentally evaluated the feasibility of the commercial wireless device for the wireless vibration condition monitoring system.

© 2014 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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