シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2432-9509
セッションID: A14
A14 野球のバッティングにおける上肢セグメントの捻り運動(打撃動作)
谷中 拓哉近田 彰冶矢内 利政
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between angular velocity of the bat and movements of upper limbs. Three left-hand hitters performed toss-batting practice. An electromagnetic tracking device was used to record three dimensional kinematic data of the thorax, the humerus and the forearm of the leading side and the bat. The results of this study showed that sequential rotation, in order of the thorax, the humerus, the forearm, was observed for all subject. The subject who recorded the fastest swing angular velocity tended to attain large range of motion in shoulder horizontal abduction and elbow extention. The subject who recorded the fast rolling angular velocity tended to attain large range of motion in shoulder external rotation and forearm supination. These results suggested that sequential motion and the joint range of motion of the leading upper limb might be related to the angular velocity of bat.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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