シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2432-9509
セッションID: C-10

*近藤 亜希子廣瀬 圭
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


This paper proposes the new posture estimation method based on quaternion by inertial sensor system and the motion analysis of load control treadmill. The treadmill is installed the force plate, and the belt speed is controlled by the force feedback. Hence, this treadmill can provide the load to subject. We conducted the measurement experiment and analysis using the inertial sensor system by changing the target load values of the treadmill control. The analysis results indicated the difference of posture by the changing of target load value. The posture estimation method consists of the method for estimating the quaternion on Roll and Pitch angles component and the method for estimating the quaternion on Yaw angle component. We estimated the right femur posture of subject walking on treadmill, and the posture information was indicated. The posture estimation method can be used by limiting the posture information in Roll and Pitch angles component in the environment generating the magnetic disturbance, and the estimation of posture information in Yaw angle component do not use the dip angle. Hence, the posture estimation method can be used to motion measurement and analysis using inertial sensor system.

© 2019 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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