Online ISSN : 2433-1309
9H バレーボールのオーバーハンドパスにおける手とボールの衝突モデル
岡内 優明前田 寛島田 義生
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 209-212


The purpose of this study was to obtain basic data for teaching ball handling in overhead passing in volleyball. The method used was simulation of a mass-elasticity-viscosity model consisting of hands and ball. First, we calculated the acceleration of the ball during contact with the hands through VTR images. As a result of comparing this acceleration with that of the simulation of the model, we found that the coefficients of elasticity and viscosity were adequate. The coefficients show that a skilled player absorbs the shock of the ball by finger elasticity soft in both trials, then accelerates the ball with wrist elasticity by changing stiffness depending on the height of set up. This is the reason skilled players can control the ball accurately. On the other hand, an unskilled player changes finger elasticity depending on the height of set up, and accelerates the ball by making wrist elasticity stiff, which results in less ball control.

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