Online ISSN : 2433-1309
セッションID: B29
B29 スキージャンプの飛型に関する実験的研究(スキー・リュージュ)
伊藤 慎一郎瀬尾 和哉浅井 武
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Style of ski jumping has been changed from a parallel one to a present V-style. Lift-drag ratio changes with the style of jumping. Lift-drag ratio and the pitching moment by the difference of ski jumping style were examined with wind tunnel experiment by using a human replica. The opening angle between skis, the spacing of skis and the posture were changed as a parameter. It was observed that lift-drag ratio of V-style of jumping was higher than that of a parallel style, and that a stoop shouldered style is effective to increase lift-drag ratio. Flow field also changes with it. The difference of flow field was observed with smoke wind tunnel, cotton ball and tuft method. While strong but narrow band down wash was appeared in a wake of the parallel style, Wide band down but weaker wash was seen in that of V-style.

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