Online ISSN : 2424-2926
C02 突き合わせ型熱音響音波発生機の特性 : 閉口端突き合わせ型音波発生機の性能
瀬尾 宜時畠沢 政保是永 定美
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 103-106


The characteristics of a coupling thermoacoustic sound wave generator are described. An experiment was carried out using a close-ended connected-type sound wave generator, considering the stack position in which heat transferred by sound waves, Q_<MA>, was the largest when each thermoacoustic sound wave generator was operated independently. Since the sound wave generators interact with each other, the heat transfer characteristics of each sound wave generator of the closed-ended connected type would be different from those of the independently operated one. The lowest temperature of the hot heat exchanger, T_H, is lower than that of the independently operated one. The difference between the lowest T_H values changes from 40℃ to 70℃. Both pressure and velocity waveforms at each point of the resonance tube showed tendencies similar to those of the independently operated one. We propose the development of new thermoacoustic sound wave generator that utilizes and recovers waste heat efficiently.

© 2000 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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