Online ISSN : 2424-2926
セッションID: A08
A08 ピンフィン群熱交換器を用いるスターリングエンジンの試作研究(スターリングエンジン及び関連要素と応用システム(2))
一色 誠太白石 裕昭佐藤 秀和紺野 聖二一色 尚次藤井 石根
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The first stage experimental results of two kinds of newly manufactured Stirling engine from the last academic year, which are using pin-fin array heat exchangers as components of heater and cooler, are presented in this paper. Stirling engines manufactured this time are, 1) a large size β type Stirling engine (150mm of bore diameter and 100mm stroke length, consisting of 1.7L single cylinder's displacement volume.) In order to demonstrate better effectiveness of pin-fin arrays heat exchanger, we increased the displacement volume as 15 times as lager than that of previous Stirling engines made in this laboratory. 2) an α type stirling engine using glass syringe as piston cylinder in order to decrease friction loss significantly. Also we use Ross-yoke mechanism. From the experimental results, both two engines output are about 1/4.8〜1/9.3 of designed values. In the concluding remark, some drastic improvement of these engines is required.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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