The Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH
Online ISSN : 2424-3167
セッションID: 2P02
2P02 Study on Axle Supporting System with Damping Elements in Railway Vehicles(Shotgun Session)
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


In order to improve the curve negotiation performance and running stability at high speeds of railway vehicles, we are developing a practical application of low rigidity and high damping element equipped between axlebox and truckframe. At the beginning, the effect of the longitudinal damping element on running stability was verified by results of calculation using a linear dynamics model of a wheelset and running tests of a 1/5-scale wheelset, which was elastically supported from the ground, on roller rigs. We compared these results and examined the applicability of the theoretical model. As a result, it was confirmed useful for evaluating the running stability. Then, the effect of the longitudinal damping element on running stability was verified by calculation using this analytical model with parameters of a standard high-speed vehicle. It was found that the value of damping coefficient required for reducing to half of the longitudinal suspension stiffness was almost the same as the value of the axle damper which has been in practical use. In addition, the influence of increase in the equivalent conicity due to wear of the wheel tread on the critical speed was examined, in case that the damping is added parallel to axlebox longitudinal spring which has softer stiffness than that of cars in operation. Subsequently, vehicle dynamics simulations were carried out using one car model of Shinkansen vehicles by means of multi-body dynamics software SIMPACK in order to investigate mainly the effect of an axle supporting system with damping elements on the curve negotiation performance.

© 2015 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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