Online ISSN : 2424-290X
セッションID: C143
C143 ナノスケール流路における気体の流動特性(マイクロ・ナノスケールの熱輸送現象II)
井上 剛良中田 早都次鈴木 祐二
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Flow characteristics of gases in a flow channel of about 5 nm in diameter were studied experimentally. As silica-surfactant nanocomposite membranes have a lot of nanoscale channels of about 5 nm in diameter and a straight shape, we used them as a nanochannel. The flow characteristics were investigated by changing gas temperature from -40 to 80℃ and kinds of gases, N_2, Ar, He, CO_2 and R-134a. As the results, they were shown that the flow in the nanoscale channels was governed by surface diffusion flow, the effect of gas species toward gas permeability was not large, and the flow characteristics in the nanoscale channels could be divided into three regions: transaction flow region of rarefied gas flow and surface diffusion flow, the region of monolayer surface diffusion flow and the region of multilayer surface diffusion and movement of capillary condensates, depending on the fluidic gas temperature.

© 2009 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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