Online ISSN : 2424-290X
セッションID: B111
B111 微少量ミスト混入による後向きステップ流の再循環領域における伝熱促進 : 円柱を挿入した場合(OS-4:対流伝熱(1))
宮藤 義孝瀬名波 出川平 卓音加藤 純郎松田 昇一檜和田 宗彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A study has been conducted about an effect of a heat transfer enhancement in a downstream region of the backward-facing step using a small amount of mist whose size is a very small. Additionally, we focused a method in which a rod was inserted near the top end of the step in the channel. As the first in this paper, the effect of the mist on the thermal field of the heating surface and the flow field in the channel are studied experimentally. As the second, this paper shows the experimental results of the effect of the inserted rod on the thermal field of the heating surface and the flow field in the channel. In the position of the rod, x-axis was fixed and y-axis was adopted at three points. The greatest the enhancement of the heat transfer was obtained in the case with the mist and the rod position of Y/H=0.6.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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