Online ISSN : 2424-290X
セッションID: D212
D212 SPMを利用した霜結晶形状/分布と霜のかき取り力の測定 : 湿度の影響の検討(OS-11:凝固・融解を伴う伝熱現象とその応用(4))
本多 正人松本 浩二白井 大介松永 一慶池谷 隆宏
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Since frosting to a cooling surface has often caused the loss of equipment performance, it is important to investigate the method for efficient removal of frost crystals from the cooling surface. Thus, authors focus on frosting from generation to the primary stage of growth because the scraping force of frost crystals on the cooling surface until the primary stage is expected to be weak. However, considering the dimensions of frost crystals until the primary stage, it is essential to measure frost crystals dimensions/distribution and scraping force in micro scale field. In this paper, using a scanning probe microscope (SPM), dimensions/distribution and scraping force of forest crystals until the primary stage were measured by authors' proposed method, varying humidites. And then, the correlations among them were clarified, comparing influences of the humidity with those of the surface temperature.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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