東北支部総会・講演会 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2424-2713
セッションID: 310
310 水銀液滴の衝撃挙動(材料・材料力学)
伊達 秀文二川 正敏石倉 修一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In order to examine the impact behavior of mercury that is one of the important elements with a high intensity neutron spallation facility, the falling and colliding profiles of a mercury droplet were recorded by an image converter camera. The impact force was also measured using an input bar with strain gages. The profile change of the mercury droplet from the longitudinal ellipsoid to the transverse one was observed during the falling. The impact force of mercury was in proportion to the impact velocities and the square root of the potential energies as a sphere of metal. The difference between the impact duration times that were recorded by the camera and measured by the strain gages was three orders of magnitude.

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