Online ISSN : 2424-3175
セッションID: 2303

LIDAR を用いた非 GPS 環境下におけるドローンのオンボード飛行制御
藤岡 駿久保 大輔土屋 武司
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In order to realize automatic investigation of MAVs in indoor environment, an independent navigation method which does not use exterior system such as the satellite navigation system is required. Such a method is called “SLAM”, and the authors are now focusing on applying it to MAVs. Hector SLAM was applied as the basic SLAM algorithm and it was fused with IMU by EKF. The brief concept of SLAM algorithm and implementation of EKF are introduced. An MAV equipped with a LIDAR, an IMU and a PC was used for 2 flight experiments where first one was at non-ordered environment and second one was at well-ordered environment, which is more preferable for the SLAM algorithm. Motion capture system was used to evaluate the navigation performance. Both experiments succeeded to automatically flight control the MAV by the proposed navigation method in real-time. Second flight showed more stable response and accurate navigation compared with first flight. This implies that the environment configuration will affect the SLAM navigation accuracy.

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